Grateful to Helpful

Thank you!

Your Gratitude Bundle is heading to your inbox in about 10 minutes.  I hope it helps your family with the practical aspects of writing thank you notes to the parenting strategies for raising grateful and gracious children. Your challenge emails will start appearing tomorrow.

But before you go, think about this:

Grateful kids take care of their possessions and their home. You can go beyond grateful to HELPFUL. Yes, it IS possible to have a tidy home without doing all the work yourself. I’d like to share TWO TOOLS that I feel are useful for anyone raising kids these days. And the first one is FREE!

Free Knife Skills Program. Your kids are CAPABLE of helping in the kitchen. And kids who work in the kitchen are more appreciative of their meals and their meal makers! If you’re worried about safety in the kitchen, here’s a great little program that will get your kids competent and even to PRO status!

The next tool is the House Fairy. Who doesn’t need a House Fairy?!! This hidden gem of a program created great memories and helpful kids over here.

Click below to see how hundreds of families have gotten their kids to pick up after themselves without yelling or bribing!

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