Welcome to the Productive Mama’s 9th Annual Pantry Challenge!

Every year the challenge saves families HUNDREDS of dollars. I like to do them in the fall to save money for the upcoming holiday spending AND to clear out my pantry for fall harvest purchases and holiday baking supplies. Other readers have reported wonderful results:

Your pantry challenge has been a blessing to me. I can’t believe how much I have that I have forgotten about!  I will be able to do all of my holiday baking and meals for family and friends WITHOUT going to the grocery store.  After looking in all of the containers and cabinets, drawers and freezer, I will only need some fresh fruits and veggies for the next month and maybe longer.  We are able to donate $300 to families living in hotels to help with them with groceries.  Thank you!


I was feeling overwhelmed by a pantry challenge, but your materials really helped.  I loved how the guide walked me through step-by-step.  I found the Inventory Worksheet particularly helpful.  I was able to meet my challenge of working through my food stores and clearing out plenty of room.


Each challenge includes a detailed prep guide and inventory tracking, both in printable and (digital) Trello board formats. This year, I’m offering a new BONUS! Take your pantry challenge up a notch (now or later) with my Prepped Pantry Quick Guide. Revamp your pantry so that you are prepared for a weather emergency, grocery store shortages, or for unexpected financial hardship. This free guide covers very basic principles of food storage for regular families that might encounter a crisis of any kind.

Doing a pantry challenge with these ideas in mind is ideal! You can rebuild your pantry to maximum effect OR redistribute your current pantry items in a more intentional way.