Warm up to Warm Smoothies

My kids like smoothies.  IF they’re more like milkshakes.  Or are pretty darn sweet.  And they definitely cannot show any signs of green! I have a favorite smoothie that I know I’ll always get ALLLLL to myself because it’s got greens and avocado in it.  I love it.


Actually I really consider smoothies to be more Supplement Delivery Systems.  I sneak all kinds of stuff into them:  collagen powder for protein, probiotic powder, vitamin C and more secret things that I don’t want to publish in case they ever stumble upon this article.  I hide everything pretty well in tons of fruit, homemade yogurt and other wonderfulness.


But as the weather cools down in the fall, I just can’t drink a cold breakfast first thing in the morning.  I need warmth!  This fall, I discovered something life changing:  warm smoothies! Instead of a frosted Supplement Delivery System I now have a comforting, warming Supplement Delivery System.

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When approaching warm smoothies, you will not be doing your typical fruit smoothies and warming them. Though you COULD, I suppose.  Try thinking more along the lines of winter flavors like apple pie or cider, hot cocoa or chai, ginger pear or coconut turmeric.  Maybe cardamom, carrot cake or gingerbread?  Pumpkin pie?  Vanilla?  Whatever you can think of, really, once you start shifting your thinking.


There are several ways to go about making a warm smoothie.
1.  Blend COLD or room temperature ingredients in the blender and then heat on the stove, as in this
Warm Apple Pie Smoothie.
Take one apple (cored, diced and peeled if your blender isn’t the best), 1/2 cup water or yogurt (or combination to reach your desired level of creaminess), 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, 1 TBS sweetener of choice (maple syrup is great for more apple pie-ness), 1/t tsp cinnamon, dash of allspice, dash of nutmeg.  Also add protein powder if you wish and any other supplements.  Blend, heat and top with an extra sprinkle of spices.


2.  Warm your ingredients in a pot and THEN blend with an immersion blender. You could blend in a blender, but you really have to be careful, so I hesitate to recommend that. You have to be careful about steam building up pressure in the blender and the glass or plastic handling the hot temperature.  So I really prefer a stick blender for this method.  Try this
Chocolate Oatmeal Smoothie
Heat 6-8oz of your favorite milk with a half oz of chopped dark chocolate in a pot until the chocolate has melted.  Add 3-4 TBS of rolled oats, a TBS of nut butter, about half a TBS of chia seeds and half a ripe banana and any supplements. Blend with stick blender and heat further if needed.


3.  My favorite method, though requires special equipment.  Use a hot cocoa maker to whirl and heat your ingredients.  [Tangent – This type of As-Seen-On-TV appliance doesn’t cost much but may not last you forever. My sister bought us one and when it died a few years later I immediately replaced it. It was easy for the kids to serve themselves their cocoa from the spout and it blended the drinks perfectly. No more standing over the stove!]  OK, back to warm smoothies.  With this method, you will either use pre-blended ingredients that will get re-stirred in the machine OR not use any ingredients that need blending.  I have been really loving this warm, winter smoothie. I love to add as many ingredients as possible the night before so all I have to do is start the machine in the morning.  You can also prep as many ingredients in a pot the night before and whisk everything together in the morning while heating. Here’s
Productive Mama’s Warm Winter Smoothie
Gently heat the following together:  One and a half cups favorite milk, 1 TBS nut butter, 1 TBS chia seeds, 1 tsp cacao powder, 1 TBS honey or favorite sweetener, touch of vanilla extract, 1 tsp coconut oil, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, dash ginger and any other supplements you want.  You may blend make frothy, as well. And really, just make it yours. Add anything that appeals to you, take out anything that doesn’t.


These are just three ideas to get you started.  There are SO MANY more!  Want more ideas and recipes?  Including my very own Warm Smoothie Formula?  See more at  https://productivemama.com/wordpress/more-warm-smoothie-recipes/
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