One of the BEST parts of starting or joining a freezer meal club is the Blessing Meals. It’s a pretty simple concept: you bless others with meals for their freezers!
Blessing families in times of stress, transition or tragedy is not only easier with The Blessing Meals, but we are able to reach out into our immediate community and make a real difference. My freezer meal club (FMC) has been able to help moms in serious health crises, families who have lost children, families dealing with cancer, families with kids in the hospital, families welcoming new babies and more. These meals reach real people in need when they need help, with no paperwork or red tape, no bureaucracy, no committees or obstacles. They reach people AS they need crucial help, not a month later.
2. You will make just one or two extra meals, but combined with the meals from your other club members, you’ll have quite a stash to offer someone. Your group will FILL their freezer! When our group has done this, we usually have about 12 to share at once and the level of gratitude from receiving families has been amazing.
3. Choose an ongoing recipient to receive the meals, such as a priest, pastor, rabbi, administrator or specific family or organization. A church-related recipient would be especially appropriate if you meet at the church to do your meals.
In the Freezer Meal Club Guide and Success (book and ecourse), I go into further detail about blessing meals, including choosing recipients, the logistics of getting them where they need to go, what each club type needs to consider and working out finances for blessing portions. Learn more…..
In 2019 I unexpectedly found myself on the receiving end of many blessing meals. My club sprung into action as soon as they heard about the bus accident, not only for ME and the other club family in this accident but for all the families. It was amazing and still brings tears to my eyes as I type this.