How I Conquered our School Lunch Challenges

Welcome to guest poster Elizabeth Hirst, a Productive Mama reader and stay-at-home mother of a 9-year-old boy. Her hobbies include spending quality time with her family, bike rides in the park and any outdoor adventures.  Elizabeth loves making cards and sending them to her friends and family. She is a Tula XII ambassador, which feeds her passion!

In my house, school lunches are a challenge. For one thing, my son is a picky eater. He can never eat the same thing twice. Let’s talk about sandwiches. My son has his “moods” with sandwiches. One day, he will eat the entire sandwich with no problem. The next day, he will only eat the meat portion of the sandwich leaving all the bread. I even tried a Ham and Cheese Slider Recipe. I thought this would work because sliders are smaller than a regular sandwich. I thought my son might like it because it was on a Hawaiian Bread roll. It worked until it didn’t.  


One day, I switched to skewers. Skewer lunches were a game changer for us.  My son loves to eat them!  The best thing about skewers is that you can easily change up the combinations. My son’s favorite skewer lunch is salami, mozzarella cheese, and olive. But I can easily switch out any protein, fruit, or vegetable to use what I have on hand that day.

My son’s bento box with skewers in his favorite combination: tomatoes, cheese and salami

“Bento Box” Lunches

I continued my search for alternative lunch ideas and I found an article on “bento box lunches.”  When I prepare his lunches in a bento box, he brings home an empty bento box!  Maybe it’s the easy portions, that the food doesn’t touch, or that it’s pleasing to the eye?  Whatever the reason, he eats it up.

Here are a couple of “Bento Box Lunch Ideas”

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Our Bento Box

I highly recommend this “Bentgo” bento box because:

  • It’s easy to clean
  • The tray comes out so you can put it in the dishwasher
  • It has easy-to-open latches
  • There are a variety of designs. For my son, I chose the shark design because sharks are his spirit animal. 
  • The portion sizes are perfect for children. I feel reassured because he is getting the right amount of nutrition he needs for his age. 

Even though making lunch can be a chore, I want my son to enjoy lunch with his favorite foods. My son should look forward to lunch. I want him to be excited about what is in that Bentgo and my payoff is that he is enjoying a healthy meal made with love.


  1. Love this tip! I’ll definitely try this when school starts. My kid is picky too so hopefully the fun way of fixing her lunch would make he more interested in eating it.

    Thank you

  2. Bento boxes are so handy! Sometimes I feel weird mixing foods/flavors but the physical separation helps me get over this

  3. Love these ideas. Thank you for sharing. Don’t have kids but even great ideas for myself on ny health journey. ❤️

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