We have a winner in our Gardens That Matter Survey Giveaway. Well, you’re ALL winners because everyone who responded to the survey got Amy’s awesome Quick Start to Composting. But the winner of the Happy Garden Guide to Composting e-book and bonuses, chosen by random number generator, is…………
Karen Arnold! Congrats to Karen and thanks to you all for your thoughtful and considered answers to Amy’s questions. Many of your responses involved comments about small spaces, poor soil, the adventure of trying to garden while tending children, saving water and money AND even several comments about recent or upcoming moves. Amy is working on an article that can actually help with ALL of those issues. So mark you calendars and stay tuned for her great information (AND maybe even some extras tossed in) coming to your inbox around March 27!
And if you missed the deadline for the book giveaway, you can still complete the survey and get your Quick Start To Compost guide if you complete by March 12. If you were REALLY hoping you’d win the Happy Garden Guide to Composting, you don’t have to be TOO sad. Right now until SUNDAY, March 5 at midnight, you can get the guide, videos and bonuses for HALF PRICE. It’s a great deal so don’t delay!