PM Bottom Line: A definite yes. So easy, so cute, so durable. Loved them so much I hosted a Nail Bar. See the Pros and Cons list at the bottom.
{Thanks for checking out my Color Street review! Here’s the post about Color Street Pedicures.
I’m so glad to have you stop by. Please take a look at the different freebies I have at the top, side and bottom of this page and consider joining the Productive Mama Fun!}
I haven’t done my nails in about two years. I may have done my toes, but I can’t remember. Up until then, I was all about Jamberry nails! For my toes. I hardly ever did my fingers because, even though I’m petty laid back and low maintenance, I want my nails to look GOOD if I’m going to put forth the effort. Toes are far away from most eyes and can be imperfect. But I see my fingers constantly, including chips, smudges and imperfections. Also, I play the guitar on a regular basis and so have to keep my nails trimmed. Jamberry pedicures took some time and a bit of contortionism on my part, but they lasted SO LONG that it was worth it. I would have cute toes for a good long while!
A few weeks ago I did my toes again. And remembered that yes, it does take some time and a wee bit of frustration. I mean, have you seen peoples’ toenails? They’re weird. In fact, everyone’s nails are funky shaped. And with Jamberry’s wraps, you have to cut the wrap to the shape of your nail. Still, my toes were now officially super cute.
Then I stumbled across Color Street Nail Strips online. This company makes nail polish strips that are 100% real nail polish. They say the application will last up to fourteen days.
I found a few local “stylists” and picked one, contacted her and she never followed through. Grrrr. But my second time was a charm and I got a few samples in the mail right away. I had 15 minutes before I had to head out the door on the morning of August 12. I was a little nervous about trying something new like this when rushed, but I dove in. They were so easy! And looked amazing. I couldn’t believe it. They were basically stick on, file the tip of the nail and BAM! Dry and Done. Here’s the August 12 photo.
I continued living my life, which includes playing guitar, washing dishes and more. I was not careful with my nails. I only trimmed them when needed.
Here’s Aug 17.
And here’s August 29, when I removed them.
You can see I’ve had a lot of nail growth and some wear at the base. I did need to trim regularly so I could play guitar, so that kept the ends neat. But this is 17 days later and I was still getting compliments.
Oh, I wanted to mention that these lasted over two weeks AND I completely forgot to use the little alcohol wipes with them to prep the nail so the strips will adhere better and last longer.
Now, I haven’t tried these on my toes yet, but I know they’ll be easier than wraps. Since I still have lots of wraps from previous parties, I plan on using them on my toes for awhile but using Color Street on my fingers.
Sets include 16 nail strips to account for different nail sizes and shapes. I cut mine in two to get twice the amount of manicures. My nails aren’t long, so I can do that. I think I’ll be able to get three manicures from a set and at least that many pedicures since toenails are usually smaller. So that’s $3-4 per manicure or pedicure. Now, you can get a lot more out of a bottle of nail polish for sure. But not patterns and, well, I stink at nail polish application. So this is a decent value for me, especially if they last two weeks.
The girls are all excited to use them so we hosted Nail Bar! With our rewards we each got two sets (8 sets total).
- slight nail polish smell after application, BUT nowhere NEAR the fumes or liquid polish
- not as many color/pattern selections as Jamberry
- you have to re-seal what you did not use, as these are real nail polish and will dry out
- not 100% organic with absolutely no chemicals
- free of a lot of the harsher nail polish chemicals
- super fast and ….
- SO EASY TO APPLY (no cutting, no heat)
- no dry time
- lays flat because it’s thin nail polish
- lasts a looooong time
- Can be removed with nail polish remover. Wraps are a little trickier to remove and you have to be careful to not damage your nails.
- No special equipment needed
- My girls can do them no their own. They just could never get the wraps and I didn’t have the patience to help them AND get to their required level of perfection.
The reviewed products were free samples. I also purchased some products on my own. I am not a Color Street stylist. But this lady is, if you’re looking for someone who will happily and professionally help you out. Contact her directly there or on facebook, mention Productive Mama, and she’ll send you a free sample.
I definitely had to trim the color street strips to fit my nails. The designs are so cute
Yes they are! And so easy to trim to size.
Hi K. You can actually place them on your nail bed, press them down and then use your thumb nail or an orange stick to score gently the sides so you can easily remove the excess polish thereby getting a perfect fit. Be sure to use the tab size closest to your nail width. Thanks for sharing.
Cindy Herr-Pino
Your Independent Color Street Stylist/Presidential Senior Executive
You just stretch them to fit your nail — no trimming! Then use the end of your fingernail to “cut” them the length of your nail. 🙂
I love how easy they are!
Can you put a topncoat over top of them. Or a gel top coat to keep them from chipping? I have very weak nails and like how the gel keep my polish from not chipping . And i like how strong they are.
It’s my understanding these have the topcoat built in (as well as the base?). I am not familiar with gel, though, so I’m going to see if I can get someone more knowledgeable to come over here and offer some advice!
I have fairly weak nails too and these Color Street nail polish strips have allowed me to grow out my fingernails (too long, in fact). I find that I get some cracking along stress points in my natural nails but I don’t get the chipping and peeling that happens to me with regular nail polish. Color Street makes a clear set (Clear as Day) that has double the number of nail strips for the same price. I find that if I want to wear a set for longer than a week, putting the Clear as Day over the top gives me up to 4 weeks of wear without any cracking. I like changing the designs and colors often, so I usually do not use the Clear as Day over the top when I change every week, not because they need to be changed, but because I want to have something different. Feel free to contact me if you need more information or want to try some.
Oooo I like this tip! I should get some Clear as Day because unless it’s a holiday, I like to apply mine and wear them as long as possible!
Hi! Can one of you please tell me how long it usually takes for these nail strips to arrive? I want to purchase some as a gift but I don’t have much time before they would arrive.
Hi Jessica,
I was offline most of the weekend. I did forward your question and email address to a consultant and I hope she replied directly to you.
Hi Jessica,
This is Cindy Herr-Pino, your Color Stret Stylist. You can order on my website and delivery will take 7-10 days. If you look at the website today and give me a few choices, I can check my inventory and ship them directly to you in the USPS. Email me:
This is an old thread, but you absolutely can use a topcoat over the Color Street nail strips. I use Sally Hansen’s miracle gel clear coat, and then a quick dry top coat. Works great!
Do they last even longer then? Is that why you use it?
Yes you can use a clear top coat. I do all the time. Every 4 days I put another coat on and they last forever. You can put gel over them but you don’t need yo.
Ooooo, very helpful, Tari. Thanks so much for taking the time to share.
My freinds tried your product and they said it didnt last that long mybe 3 days what did they do wrong? And they bought lots of them?
Pam, my best guesses would be:
her nails weren’t clean
she didn’t prep them with the alcohol wipe
she got some on her skin, allowing water to get between her nail and the strip
she got her nails/hands really wet right after applying (my daughter went swimming right after applying – mistake)
I can only say that I play guitar, cook, wash dishes and more and they certainly last longer than three days. But they ARE nail polish. And nail polish has its natural limits.
Without speaking to your friend, I am unsure what might have happened.
The nails need to be clean and free from oils. (prep with the alcohol swab)
It is best to wash the hands with dish soap before as well to eliminate as much oil on the hands also.
The polish strips should not touch the skin. If they do, they should be trimmed with another fingernail or a cuticle stick and peeled off the skin. (if they stay in contact with the skin, water can get underneath the strip and interfere with the adhesion to the nail)
Hands should not be submerged in water for about an hour after application (allow the adhesive to set completely). Many women have great success applying the nail strips right before bed.
After application, you should not pick at the edges or disturb them, as it takes about an hour for the adhesive to really set.
Lotion or cream should not be used on the hands for about an hour after application.
If you would like me to mail you a sample, or have other questions, please contact me:
I tried and they did not last a full 24 hours, yes they where prepped properly.
Sorry to hear that. Except for the time my daughter went swimming IMMEDIATELY after applying them, I can definitely say that wasn’t the case for me (and all my girls). I can get weeks out of them and I’m no professional!
Did you talk to the Stylist who you purchased them through? Color Street wants its customers to be happy, and they will replace any defective product. I am so sorry you did not have success. It is unusual for this to happen.
Mine have been on for three weeks and the reason I need take them off is because my nails have grown so much besides I want to try a new style. I love this product!!!
Same here!
I understand that there are some people with very oily nails. Some people that struggle with thyroid issues have problems getting anything to stick to their nails. That may not be your case, but it has been recommended to me to try Orly Bonder as a base coat/bonding coat to hold polish like Color Street’s Nail Polish strips on your nails.
Just an idea. Thanks!
I would love to try a free sample of Color Strips
Please send me an email and I will be happy to send you some samples.
Hi Donna,
You can contact Shalali at any of the links at the very end of my review. I am not a stylist, but she is and can get you some samples. Thanks for reading!
**Corrected post, sorry for the confusion** Please disregard my previous post, as it had the wrong website listed**
I am S-O-L-D on Colorstreet products and this blog (Productive Mama, you’re adorable!) Seriously, I am the worst person at doing nails and after trying these products once, I became a Color Street stylist. I am also the last person on earth that thought she would be into sales. I am a full-time nurse, wife, and Mom but after trying out the product, I couldn’t help but get involved.
I’ve made it easy the process easy to order products and get samples. > About >Meet Your Stylist>Contact Me
–Provide your name and address and I will mail you a sample!
Here’s the catch ? I want to see your Color Street samples on Instagram or Facebook
HASHTAG your Color Street mani’s #NailBossBabe
Instagram: Mrs_XIXIXVI
Facebook: CL Lauren
Thanks for reading. Take a look at my work-at-home tools and resources. And stay tuned. I’ll be doing some more in that arena soon!
Productive mama
I am disappointed in my Color Street nail strips. I have fairly long nails and I bought 4 sets. I thoroughly prepped my nails exactly as recommended. I put them on on Sunday evening about an hour before bed. I did not wet them or use any lotions. By Monday evening the polish was already worn off many of my nail tips. I removed them with nail polish remover on day 3, as the ends of my nails were now devoid of color. It took forever for me to get all the sticky adhesive off my nails. After remover I had to resort to alcohol to try and remove the remaining adhesive. These strips were rather pricy and now I’m left with 3 sets that I’m not sure I want to use ?. They are unopened…I wonder if they would refund my money?
I’m sorry you haven’t had any luck. I just saw another friend who has had hers on for weeks. Perhaps you got a bad batch? You could try once more to see if you have better luck, but if you don’t want to chance it, I believe they do have a reasonable return policy.
Or it could be simpler to find a local buyer and sell directly, recouping most of your money. Maybe Shalali will chime in with more ideas?
I’m really sorry you had this experience. You are able to return them. You might also talk to the stylist who you got them from (even if you just ordered from the website, you ordered from a particular stylist). If it was from my website, please send me an email.
Unfortunately, there are a few people who are not successful with these. I second Productive Mama’s recommendation that you try another set. For me, Glitters are longer lasting than solids.
Please contact me if I can be of more help.
I actually was a founding stylist with Colorstreet; but have since stopped using and selling. My nails have peeled and break more than ever since using them. I can’t wait until my nails are back to normal!
Sorry for the delay. I didn’t get a notification about your post? I’m sorry you had a bad experience. I feel like the remover is what’s hardest on my nails. I got some oilier, more natural remover and that helped a LOT. Plus, I don’t change out the strips very often. Being lazy, I put some on and leave it for a month!
My nails did the same thing after using them too. But, I love the ease of use so I applied d an OPI base coat first and then did the strips so we will see if that helps.
I have been reading through a few threads looking for a comment like yours. I was wondering if colorstreet was the reason my nails are damaged.
I love Color Street nail strips, too, and am very surprised by some of the negative experiences. I’ve never gotten fewer than three weeks from a set. I actually stumbled onto this site because I was wondering if anyone might know if it’s possible to put them on top of a gel manicure without taking the gel polish off. I’m always looking for a way to extend a manicure!
I’ll let a rep answer, but I do believe I went to a party and one lady DID apply them over her gel manicure. Thank for reading. Like you, they last a good long while for me.
I am a founding stylist and leader with Color Street.
Yes, the nail polish strips can be worn on top of gel nails, powder nails, acrylic nails!
When removing the polish from these fake nails or gel use non-acetone remover to preserve the nail bed underneath!
I would like to try a sample of Color Street .
I tried to find a seller on line in my town but was unsuccessful .
Hey Lynette! Reach out to Cindy (her contact info is above the comments, but at the end of the post. She’ll get you set up!
I also have problems with nail breakage after the color street nails are removed. One of my friends also is having that issue. What can we do to prevent this because I really like them. Help
Color Street is real nail polish, so the reaction, if any, should be the same as regular polish.
Remove with acetone or non-acetone polish remover. I give my nails a rest in-between polish. I like to use a nail strengthener on top of my nail first, let it dry completely then put on the strip. After twenty four hours you can add nail strengthener as a top coat again. Everyone’s body chemistry is different so you need to experiment and find out what works for you. I tend to have dry cuticles so I use a cuticle oil at bedtime to nourish them. Any breakage is due to dry nails…could be the polish remover. Look for one with oil in it for moisture. Biotin is a supplement that strengthens hair and nails. Hope this helps. To learn more about Color Street…
I am here to help you have a great experience.
I’ve been using color street nails for three months now, four different applications. I really like them but both my sisters, who have used them longer said they had some problems with their own nails cracking and peeling, with proper acetone polish remover technique. I just removed mine and for the first time I have a peeling nail. I removed them with polish remover, as I have with the previous applications. Any suggestions? Do you have to give your nails a break from them? I really like them and hate to give them up.
I can only speak to my experience. I have healthy, strong nails. I don’t wear polish of any kind for much of the year on my fingers and do during the warm months on my toes. Acetone polish really does a number on my nails. They get dry and peel and seem to be weaker. I switched to a gentler remover that still takes off the nail strips and my nails thank me for it. This is the one my first Color Street consultant told me about and that I still use:
We’ll see if a consultant might have more insight!